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It's never too late to be what you might have been.

George Eliot

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Right now, when business is anything but usual, it's more important than ever to learn how to enhance your job seeking skills so you can achieve your career goals.

Contact Jan for an exploratory session to determine a specific strategy that will help you to move forward.

Career Coach Jan Stewart clients

We successfully work with:

  • High Tech Professionals
  • Sales & Marketing Professionals
  • Project & People Managers
  • Writers, Educators & Artists
  • Attorneys, Finance Professionals, Solopreneurs
Start Now!

Call or email to schedule a complimentary introductory session.

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Career Coach Jan Stewart

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

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Team Development Littleton MA

For Hiring Managers and Business Owners

Emerge helps build teams and assists with the hiring process.

Emerge has the expertise and tools to help your team function in the best possible way.

When new members are needed for the team, Emerge can set up and follow through the process to a successful hire.

Create a cohesive team and your business will soar. Find out how.